The "User Lists" feature allows you to check the current usage status within your organization.
Users are classified under the three following user lists, and each list has its own features.
In-use users
This list displays all users who have started using the service.
You can check the storage utilization rate and access the details of these users.
You can export three types of .csv files by using the buttons at the bottom of the page: "User information," "Usage status,"
and "Two-factor authentication settings."
Pre-Login user
This list displays all users who are already registered with your organization but have yet to log in for the first time.
You can access the details of these users.
You can also resend the account activation email to these users.
Unregistered users
This list displays all users with a Chatwork account who have been invited to your organization.
You can resend the registration request email to these users or cancel an existing registration request.