What is the functionality for transferring between organizations?

What is the functionality for transferring between organizations?

It is a functionality that allows the transfer of a user’s data.
This functionality is used once the source organization and the destination organization have agreed for the user to be transferred.

Plans that Allow Transfer

  • Transfer to "Business Plan" from "Business Plan"
  • Transfer to "Enterprise Plan" from "Business Plan"
  • Transfer to "Enterprise Plan" from "Enterprise Plan"
  • Transfer to "KDDI Chatwork" from "Business Plan"
  • Transfer to "KDDI Chatwork" from "KDDI Chatwork"

* Free plans cannot be the source or destination of the transfer.


Transfer Conditions

One of the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • The source organization and destination organization must have the setting "Do not allow communicating with users outside of your organization" set to OFF.
  • If the source organization and destination organization have the "Do not allow communicating with users outside of your organization" set to ON, the “Allowed Outside-organization Setting” setting between the two organizations must be set to ON.

The configuration on the destination organization for the user to be transferred should be as follows:

Detailed Security Settings for transfered account will be turned OFF under the new organization.
However, it will be kept as ON under the following circumstances in order to avoid deleting data and contacts.

  • When a transfer destination organization turned ON "Do not allow communicating with users outside of your organization." setting, the transfered account will be also set as "Do not allow communicating with users outside of your organization."
  • When a transfer destination organization turned ON "Do not allow file sharing" setting, the transfered account will be also set as "Do not allow file sharing".

Important Points:

When transferring users between organizations, in some cases, after the transfer is complete, users may notice broken connections with their contacts or realize that they have left some of their group chats. Please note that once a person leaves a group chat, the file of the person.

* leaving is deleted from the group chats. Also, the deleted data cannot be recovered in the future.

The case where data has been deleted after transferring between organizations (broken contacts)

Configuration Conditions

  1. Company B has “Do not allow communicating with users outside of your organization” to ON.
  2. “Allowed Outside-organization Setting” is set to ON between companies A and B. “Allowed Outside-organization Setting” is set to OFF between companies B and C.
  3. User a1 and user b1 have already made contact.
  4. User b1 has individual “Detailed Security Settings (‘Allowed users to communicate outside the organization” and ‘Allow file uploads’)” set to OFF (not set).

Based on the conditions above, when user a1 is transferred to company C, the existing connection between user a1 and b1 is broken, and the user’s file is deleted.
Also, user a1 is automatically removed from any group chat that user a1 and b1 belong to.
