Forgot login email address

If you have any device that is logged in to Chatwork

  • PC browser version:

You can check and change your login email address from the following page.
User Information Settings

* You cannot check or change your login email address on the desktop app.

  • Mobile app:

You can check the login email address within the app.

Open the app, and tap [Account] tab, then you can find the login email address.

* Please note that the email address registered in your Chatwork "Profile" is not your login email address.

If you are unable to login to Chatwork

  • Check your login email address from the notification email

Your login email address is the email address that you receive notifications and unread notifications from Chatwork.

Please check your email history to see if you have received any emails from the following email address.

info@chat-work.com (Unread Messages Notifications)
info@support.chatwork.com (System Emails)
noreply@chat-work.com (Notices from Chatwork)


  • (For Business plans only) Ask your administrator

For Business plans, please contact your organization administrator (or someone with the user administrative permissions) to check or change your login email address.

  • Check the login email address saved in your browser

If you store login email and password in your browser, you can check the login email address on your browser.

Google Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome on your computer.
  2. Click Profile icon in the top right.
  3. Click Password icon 
    If you cannot find the password icon, then click [︙] icon next to Profile icon in the upper right corner, then choose [Settings] - [Autofill] - [Password Manager].
  4. Search “chatwork.com”, then the stored login email address will be displayed.

*Please check Google Chrome Help for more details.

Microsoft Edge:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge on your computer.
  2. Click ••• icon on the top right.
  3. Choose [Settings] - [Profiles] - [Passwords].
  4. Search “chatwork.com”, then the stored login email address will be displayed.

*Please check Microsoft Edge Support for more details.


  1. Open Safari.
  2. From the Safari menu, choose Settings (or Preferences), then click Passwords.
  3. Sign in with Touch ID, or enter your user account password.
  4. Search “chatwork.com”, then the stored login email address will be displayed.

*Please check Safari support page for more details.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click the menu button , and click Passwords.
    Firefox about:logins page will open in a new tab.
  3. Search “chatwork.com” and choose it in the left pane.
  4. Then the stored login email address will be displayed.

*Please check Firefox support page for more details.


If the above methods don’t work

If you still have any issues about the login email address, please contact us via form below with the following information.

Submit a request


[1] Registered your name, company name, Chatwork ID, email address (even if it is only a partial information), and your plan information as much as you remember. 

[2] If your account is visible to other users, other users can identify your account ID. Please ask the other user to confirm your ID by following the procedure below.

Procedure: When the other user mentions your account as TO, your account ID (numbers) will be displayed following by “To:” as below.


[To:****] ****


If you can provide the account ID, we can specify your login email address.

* Please check it on your computer or Android app as it is not visible on iOS app.

* If “To:” is displayed as an icon, you can check the account ID by copying the posted message contains “To:”
