Changing (transferring) administrator privileges to another user
Administrator privileges allow access to all administrator functions.
Administrator privileges an only be granted to one person per organization and as such, may not be granted to multiple people.
For this reason, when privileges are transferred, they will be taken away from the user enacting the transfer.
* Under the Free Plan, the administrator privileges cannot be changed.
On the [Admin Settings] screen, find the applicable user from the [User list].
Click on [Detail] in the line of the user to whom you wish to transfer administrator privileges.
From [Authority Setting] at the bottom of the [User Account Details] screen, check [Admin] and save to save the changes.
Please note that this is the process for "Transfer" of privileges and not addition of privileges.
Adding user management privileges
User management privileges allow access to [User management] functions.
Unlike administrator privileges, [User management] privileges may be held by multiple people in a single organization.
* Cannot be set in the Free Plan.
On the [Admin Settings] screen, find the applicable user from the [User list].
Click on [Detail] in the line of the user to whom you wish to grant user management privileges.
From [Authority Setting] at the bottom of the [User Account Details] screen, check [User Management] and save to save the changes.
User management privileges are different from administrator privileges in that they can be assigned to multiple people in a single organization.