Please follow the steps below to change the settings of devices (webcam, microphone) for Chatwork Live.
*This is only for people who are using Chatwork Live on Windows Chrome 64bit.
For Chrome/Safari
1.Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the call screen.
2.Please select the camera and microphone to use.
*Speakers on Safari need to be configured through your Mac OS from system settings.
System Preferences > Sound > Output
System Preferences > Sound > Output
3.Please refresh your browser after closing Video Call Settings to reflect the changes.
Setup should now be complete.
For Firefox
1.Click the video icon located in the left area of the location bar.
2.Click ▼next to "Continue sharing", and select "Stop sharing".
3.Please refresh your browser.
4.Please select the camera and microphone you will be using then click "Share Selected Devices".
Setup should now be complete.