Receiving an unexpected login notification email

If you receive an unexpected login notification email, it may be unauthorized access by a third party. Please take the following measures depending on your authentication method.

Login by email address and password

Please change your password, and enable two-factor authentication.

  • Changing Your Password

Using the same email address and password for Chatwork and multiple other services increases the risk of unauthorized access, so we recommend changing to a different password for each service.
How can I reset my password?

If you cannot remember your current password, please check it at the page below.
Forgot login password

  • Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Enabling two-factor authentication requires information tied to your mobile device to log in. Therefore, even if a third party obtains your email address and password, it prevents unauthorized login, increasing security.

Please check the page below for how to enable two-factor authentication.
Set Two-factor authentication

Login by single sign-on with SAML authentication

Please check the security settings for your IdP (Identity Provider).
*We do not provide technical support for Identity Provider security settings.

with Apple/Sign-in with Google

Please check your Apple ID or Google Account security settings.
*We do not provide technical support for Apple ID/Google Account security settings.