Thank you for using Chatwork.
In line with changes to the Chatwork system, a change to the connectivity ports for the Chatwork Live function will be implemented as follows on June 27th, 2024 (Thursday).
Change date
June 27th, 2024 (Thursday)
Addition of connectivity port for the Chatwork Live function
Additional Port
- 27387
If your current network environment restricts transmission to external networks, the above port will need to be added to the list of allowed domains and ports.
Please inform your organization's IT or network administrator about this change and verify if any action is required.
* Please add the above port to your allowed domains and ports.
* Not adding the port may lead to problems when using the Chatwork Live function.
If you have any questions about these changes, please contact us via the following inquiry form:
Inquiry form
Thank you for your continued support of Chatwork.