Mobile Push Notification Setting (Android)

Set push notification

To turn on push notifications:

  1. Open Chatwork app
  2. Navigate to [Settings] --> [Notification item]
  3. Choose to receive push notifications for [All Messages] or [Messages to Me]


Display message content via push notifications

Launch the app, tap the [Account] tab in the bottom right, tap [Settings],
tap [Push notifications], and turn ON [Display message content].


Set do not notify rule

If you don’t want push notification during the weekend or after work, you can disable push notification for specific days and times.



* To use push notification, you need to turn on notificaion for Chatwork on your device setting page.


Turn off Notifications

To turn off push notifications:

  1. Open Chatwork app
  2. Navigate to [Settings] --> [Notification item]
  3. Tap [Do Not Notify]